The Art of Women
The Art of Women

Director's Note

The "Art of Women" actually started out as three separate production ideas that, in a roundabout and circumstantial way, ended up being combined into one feature film. In deciding to make a film about women artists, my aim was to accomplish three key objectives: 1. to portray women in a positive light, 2. to provoke an artistic debate, and 3. to make an entertaining film. I also wanted to show in no uncertain terms that the female form is an exceptional work of art in itself. In developing the individual scenes for the film, I tried to find ways for each artist to have to use her body as artistic expression without coming off as gratuitous or illegitimate – even though those terms aren't by any means definitive. When selecting the artistic mediums that would be portrayed, it was a challenge to come up with a "final five" (in the interest of keeping the film brief) so I confined it to the five visual mediums of sculpture, photography, dance, painting, and performance prose. As music is definitely one of my first loves, I did want to include this medium as its own scene, but it was a struggle to come up with an adequate subplot that would blend in well with the rest. Therefore, it was imperative that the music chosen for this film be from women artists/musicians or bands with prominent female members. The result was something in which I couldn’t have been more pleased…a perfect complimentary of visual and auditory elements intertwined and synchronized to create a film that grew and evolved into somewhat more of an art piece.

In the opening credits, you'll notice that the initial directing credit changes from "a JohnG film" to "a JohnG piece". When taking into consideration all of the elements of this film: the back-stories, the concept, the visuals, the music, the themes, the circumstances…it felt more appropriate to give it its just due. Short story long, I sincerely hope you enjoy this… piece. ☺

- JohnG.
